Eyegaze Edge Communication Device
Eyegaze Edge
Assistive Technology, Communications, AAC App
A special eye tracking camera mounted below the Eyegaze Edge screen observes one of the user’s eyes. Sophisticated image processing software analyzes the camera’s images 60 times each second and determines where the user is looking on the screen. Nothing is attached to the user’s head or body. A user operates the system by looking at rectangular “keys” or cells that are displayed on the control screen. To “press” a key, the user looks at the key for a specified period of time. The gaze duration required to visually activate a key, typically about ½ second, can be adjusted by the user. An array of menu keys and exit keys allow the user to navigate the Eyegaze programs independently.
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Gray Matters Alliance, LLC
112 W. Pitman
O'Fallon, MO 63366
Phone: 314-266-2678